Fundación Infosalud - PROCENDIAS Study

Fundación Infosalud
  • Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca
  • Unidad de Investigación de Atención Primaria La Alamedilla
  • AFA Salamanca
  • CRUZ ROJA Salamanca
  • Lazarillo Salamanca
  • Salamanca Vida
  • DISCOVER es información, asesoramiento, orientación y formación para apoyar el bienestar de los cuidadores en su papel de cuidador.

Behavioural intervention to reduce resistance in those attending adult day care centers: PROCENDIAS study protocol for a randomized clinical trial

• Many of the needs of informal caregivers are not met when care is provided to older people to identify and manage the resistance they present to attend an Adult Day Care Center.

• It is important that nurses in community health units investigate cases of patients who are resistant to attending Care Centers and promote the use of interventions aimed at reducing this problem.

• The PROCENDIAS study is the first randomized controlled clinical trial to examine the effectiveness of a group intervention that enables caregivers to identify and modify behavioural problems of their family members to attend Care Centers.

• At the present time, the first part of the intervention study, started in 2015, has concluded. The aim of the intervention is to identify the possible different behavioral problems in each case and be able to manage them individually. Once the study is finished, we will create a guide to offer this intervention to manage the new cases that can appear in Day Care Centers.

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